Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving Day Meal Analysis

It's the day after Thanksgiving and I'm not pleased with either the meal or the company. First I was exhausted from not just the process of preparing the meal, but also the planning:looking through magazines for recipes and inspiration, the shopping: having to do a 2-state hunt for ingredients, and then have to actually brine the bird and prep everything else: staying up half the night with said brining & prepping. Only to wake at the crack of dawn to actually get that (rather quick cooking (18 pds/350 degrees/4 hours)turkey at last into the oven.

Second, being thus tired, I was compelled to take a nap at 3pm and overslept. I woke in a foul mood. The guests hadn't even arrived! I never eat after 6pm on a holiday at home. To hell, that I had several other things yet to fix...dinner rolls being one of the them. I declared dinner was what was already prepared. I wasn't cooking another thing!

And so Thanksgiving dinner was: Turkey (very moist and delicious from brining) and Oyster Dressing* (see recipe below), Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Mustard & Turnip, Buttered Rutagas, Giblet Gravy (I make monster turkey gravy), Spiced Pumpkin Cake (a two box cake recipe from Food TV's Semi-Homemade), Crispy Top Applesauce Pie (a recipe from Paula Deen).

I don't think anybody went away hungry.


Make oyster dressing as usual using cornbread but add a sleeve of saltine crackers for a pleasing textural undertone.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Black Tie Dinner...Again

Another Black Tie Dinner meal. Poor ole me...or make that my poor ole family. I'm usually the one slaving everyday to fix a dinner and now for a change, dinner out (just for me) and a fabulous Black Tie dinner to boot.

This time, I travelled to NYC's Hilton Hotel. There were over 800 guests at this educational organization's annual gala. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the table's floral setting was beautiful, creamy white calla lilies. I knew I was in for a real treat when I learned the dinner was a "Buffet". Tables and tables of great food. And seconds if you wanted. I did.

A wonderful seafood bar with fresh oysters on the half-shell (cold and creamy going down) , crab claws and tons of sweet shrimp. There was a somewhat disappointing Soul Food station with not so good looking Fried chicken and fish, passable barbecue ribs but some half-way decent Collard Greens (Can you say Glory?).

I went back for seconds. Salad stations, Pasta tables, dessert tables. Great!!! An unlimited Dirty Martinis. Another memorable food night.

Well, it's back to the kitchen stove for me. Thanksgiving looms.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Black Tie Dinner...Halloween 2005

Halloween night Monday Oct 31st was a great food night.

I attended a Black Tie fundraiser at New York Central Park Boathouse. The meal was exquisite. Of course, the family back home had to contend with KFC. It started with a fresher than fresh, Salmon Carpaccio, a musclun salad (nicely dressed) followed. The main courses choices were Filet Mignon or Salmon. I chose the steak. Tender...mmm.

There were some nondescript veggies on the plate as a nest for the beef, which I couldn't exactly makeout in the candlelight room (some pieces looked like Shitaki mushrooms). Everyone around me said the veggies, whatever it was, were good. Dessert was a decadent warm chocolate torte with a chocolate ganache center.

Tonight, I'm cooking a birthday dinner for my daughter. She loves Lobster. So it's the big Sea Roach, tonight. Those big stockpots are key to cooking lobsters. Wrestle those babies into the stockpot and say a silent prayer for them. Drawn butter and a loaded baked potato are a must!

Tomorrow, I'm off to another Black Tie event and hopefully, another great meal. Will report all.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Monday - November 7

What's for dinner, Mom? Everyday I hear this question. I have a love/hate relationship with meal time. Has anyone ever research the stress of figuring out tonight's meal? It has to be right up there with changing the lightbulb in the back of the 'frig.

I thought I was going to fix an Atkinish meal tonight (just for me mind you) but no such luck, it's meat and potatoes again. I fixed a lovely green salad though:

Everyday Salad Recipe:

Romain Lettuce - a large head
Tomatoes - 2 or more depending on your taste (sometimes I slice, sometimes I chop)
Green Olives
Sliced Onions (must have ingredient)
Salad Dressing*

*I like to make my own using lemon and olive oil